About Us

For years we have been encouraged by friends, family, our colleagues in other spheres, and a growing community of astrology clients to bring our astrological voices into the public sphere. So we are listening and expanding our offerings and putting our perspectives and insights out there!

We each fell deeply in love with astrology in our early 20s. What a blessing to both of us to later share this exquisite, ever developing and deepening lens and language with one another! In addition to those teachers and resources we mention below, we have been tremendous teachers to one another.

  • I go by Stas or Anastasi, and have given readings for friends and family since 2010 and professionally since 2019.

    My Gemini North Node conjuncts the Descendent in the Sixth House ruled by Taurus. Or way that could be translated is to say that my fated service-oriented relationships have taken many forms and expressions in service to humanity and nature. In addition to my work as an astrologer, I have worked as an ecological restorationist, conservation crew leader, wilderness therapy guide, wilderness therapist, wilderness fast/quest guide, and psychotherapist.

    The cycles of nature, and thus the cycles of astrology, are always and forever my first teacher in astrology. And, I also deeply value the vast lineages of astrological knowledge I have learned from.

    Primarily I have been a student of Psychological Astrology through many years of study with Karen Hammond Brown, herself a pupil of Liz Greene. I also incorporate many perspectives from Evolutionary Astrology and admire the work of Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green. Reflecting my Greek heritage and the mythology that weaves into astrology I look to the work of Demetra George.

  • I was in college in 2009 when I was introduced to astrology for the first time in a photography darkroom. From that day onwards astrology has been a huge guiding compass in my life and my biggest teacher.

    I was drawn to astrology because it taught me about myself in a way that no other modality had before. The patterns, archetypal themes, and seasonal rhythms have thus weaved into my life in a deep way over the last decade. I am humbled by the vastness of astrology and know that I am a lifelong student & teacher of this work.

    In 2020 I began offering readings on a professional level. I enjoy incorporating my knowledge of herbalism into my readings offering customized herbal tea blends based on our reading together. I am very inspired by the elements of astrology and love helping people understand their elemental constitutions within their natal chart. I am also very passionate about teaching people about astrology! I lean on the teachings of Stephen Arroyo, Juliana McCarthy, & Steven Forrest,

    In addition to my work as an astrologer, I work as a birth doula and an herbalist. In the past, I have worked as a marine naturalist, ocean conservation educator, & biological science technician.