Gemini & Mercury Aspects & Transits ~Jan 15, 2023

This post is an exploration of aspects & transits associated with The Lovers & Gemini (and somewhat Mercury) as inspired by the January 15, 2023 dance embodying The Lovers archetype dance held by Ritual Movement 555 in Asheville, North Carolina.

(Some) Current Gemini Placements and Their Aspects and Transits

Mars in Gemini

As of Thursday January 12 at 3:56 pm, Mars stationed direct and begins moving forward. In the Asheville, North Carolina area this energy that had been spring loading and coiling for quite a while seemed mirrored by nature in the form of an enormous, Spring-like thunderstorm. With Mars in Gemini we are driven collectively by curiosity, communication, cognition and connectivity - pay attention to how these qualities show up, or don’t, on the 15th especially if you choose to dance. As Gemini rules the lungs and the breath, and Mars can represent our will, get curious about how working with your breath changes your experience. Know some pranayama? Want to see what it might be like to match your breath to each movement? Give it a whirl and see what you learn. You can read a bit more about Mars in Gemini in Aries & Mars Aspects & Transits ~New Year's Day 2023. For details regarding Mars’ station direct check out our post Stations on the 8°s!

Mars (in Gemini) Sextile Chiron (in Aries)

Due to retrogrades with both Mars and Chiron, these heavenly bodies have the unique quality of being in a nearly 4 month long sextile with one another, from December 3 through March 4! How has this long term conversation between our drive for curiosity and our need for self healing been going? What’s changed during this time period thus far? Take a second look at Aries & Mars Aspects & Transits ~New Year's Day 2023 for more info on this aspect.

Sun (In Capricorn) Sesquiquadrate Mars (In Gemini)

A 135° angle between celestial bodies, and one I wouldn’t normally bring focus to, but as we’ve been paying notice to the Sun in Capricorn’s quincunx with Gemini Mars (and also Mercury’s quincunx with Gemini Mars), why not follow the story through? A Sesquiquadrate is basically a square and a half (90° square + 45° 1/2 square), and the energy is felt a bit like a square that you might find easier to suppress than deal with. So as this Gemini Mars energy has stationed direct with this spring loaded energy built up from Jupiter (read our Stations on the 8°s! post for more), how is that pushing against the conservative nature this Capricorn season? For a physical experiment with this try leaning yourself at a ~135° against a seeming immovable object, like a wall. What shifts? Try this facing the opposite direction.

(Some) Current Mercury Aspects and Transits

Mercury In Capricorn

Inquisitive, curious Mercury finds itself collectively moving through Capricorn. Capricorn has a strong containing energy, which can make for fantastic archivist energy, holder of stories and lineages, and able to overcome incredible obstacles of cognition and communication. Conversely, it can also hold onto old hurts, over focus on limitations, over invest in power structures, over criticize and thus hold ourselves back.

Mercury entered Capricorn on December 6, 2022 and retrograded at 24 8° 21' on December 29, 2022 at 4:23 am. Mercury is now moving very slowly towards stationing direct at Mercury 8° Capricorn 08 on Thursday January 18, 2023 8:12 AM EST. Prepare for yet another series of things we associate with Mercury retrogrades - an increase in delays, technical failures, and communication breakdowns during the days just before and afterwards. What may be different about this time period than initial retrogrades is that often this is a time period spent cleaning up the messes from the initial retrograde - that mysterious hold that PayPal placed on your account finally frees up, a communication arrives at last from the airline that was supposed to get you to your holiday with your family and never happened.

The many things we’ve had time to reconsider during the time period, which may be Capricornian themes like evaluating what is worth our concerted efforts, what challenges are worth overcoming, may come into greater clarity around this time. In light of The Lovers, being serious in our observations of others and responsible with our words may be expressions of these energies. Challenge your own self-imposed limitations, or what limitations you might perceive as projected by others. If curious, check out Stations on the 8°s! for more info on this retrograde in the context of this strange series of retrogrades we are within.

Moon (in Scorpio) Sextile Mercury (in Capricorn)

Our collective emotional world’s depth and intensity is easily understood, and potentially given voice and clear observation. Dance with your depths and observe! A short transit lasting just several hours, it will be exact during the dance on January 15, 2023, so this may be more apparent then. Conversations may be deeply intense with deep Scorpio Moon unloading through the seriousness of Capricorn Mercury.

Explore the layover between the archetypes of The Lovers & Gemini


The Chariot & Cancer


The Lovers & Gemini