A Few Words About the Major Arcana Post Series

A little disclaimer! While I’ve given readings for years, these posts are my first written expressions as an astrologer. If you read the same post twice over a span of a few days, you may notice some editing. I am working out what formatting best works as I am new to this part of astrological work - thank you for your graciousness. At this time of writing Mercury is currently in retrograde motion. In a few weeks passing back over my own 9 ° Capricorn 22’ Mercury before stationing direct at 8 ° Capricorn 08’ and crossing over yet again shortly after the retrograde period ends. I imagine this may be a time when I am doing a lot of editing throughout my life and how I assert myself, as most of this energy is taking place in my First House - and one ways that can express itself is that my process is on view to others. Thank you for your graciousness as I take risks (well, I am experiencing these as risks so far) in this public way.

I speak a bit more about myself as an astrologer in the About Us section of the website, but I want you to know that I practice from a Western Tropical Astrological viewpoint using Placidus house systems, primarily from the Psychological and Evolutionary schools of thought. I wandered into the astrological waters nearly 20 years ago through these vantage points and have deepened my experience there since. I do not hold the belief that Western Astrology through these lenses are the only legitimate or correct viewpoins. or best or correct viewpoints on astrology. Astrological understanding is culturally embedded, and there are systems worldwide. I believe that arguments privileging one system over others are exercises in ideological and cultural supremacy. As such I have no desire to give energy towards these debates. The Psychological & Evolutionary schools of Western Astrology are the ones I most deeply know and have skill in working with, so I choose not to waste or hide this knowledge - my progressed Uranus, which in my Natal Chart sits in my 12th house Uranus slightly conjunct to my Ascendant, finally gets to breathe! For more info on these schools of astrology, some resources you can visit are Astrodienst, The Centre for Psychological Astrology, Forrest Astrology, and School of Evolutionary Astrology.

Additionally, I wouldn’t even know about the astrological overlays between the Tarot and Astrology without the incredibly work done on the Major Arcana on the Podcast(s) Strange Magic / Between The Worlds. The epsiodes on the Major Arcana from Amanda Yates Garcia, Sarah Gottesdiener, and producer Caroline Pennypacker Riggs were like a graduate level course on the topic, and should I directly reference their work I will gladly name so in the posts. But if a direct reference never comes to fruition, I feel I must give credit here.

I do want to give a thank you to Ritual Movement 555 for inspiring me to write the Major Arcana / Zodiac Sign overlay series, and the corresponding forecasts are for aspects and transits around dates of their events.


The Emperor & Aries