The Emperor & Aries

Each card in the Tarot has an astrological correspondence with varying degrees of accuracy, and while from my perspective those in the Minor Arcana can be overly reductionist, I’ve found the correspondences with the Major Arcana beneficial and even clarifying.

The Emperor card corresponds with Aries, the first sign of the astrological Zodiac. In Western Astrology it is associated with start of the astrological New Year, beginning with the Spring Equinox and extending through the next 30 days. Imagine yourself in this time of year in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere: the robins are returning, baby birds hatching, sprouts and buds of green emerge from the browns of sticks and soils. These are just some examples of the inner fires of life filling and moving new physical forms; go ahead and imagine others. Young Aries energy is just this - the cry of the baby, the first connections to the outside world following time in the womb, whatever form that looks like for the entity involved.

Wait, all these metaphors of newness and the fledgling young - how does this connect with the energy of an Emperor? Imagine what it takes to make it from just bringing your energy forth into the world into becoming the architect of your own world. Those buds have to work with their defenses - a bitter taste, prickers - to defend off being eaten. The baby bird, after competing with its siblings for attention and food from their parents, now goes on the incredible mission of learning how to fly! This takes a lot of guts, a lot of courage, and a lot of ability to focus on oneself, one’s own process, and where one is ultimately going.

Explore Aries & Mars Aspects & Transits ~New Year's Day 2023


Aries & Mars Aspects & Transits ~New Year’s Day 2023


A Few Words About the Major Arcana Post Series