Aries & Mars Aspects & Transits ~New Year’s Day 2023

This post is an exploration of aspects & transits associated with The Emperor & Aries (and somewhat Mars) as inspired by the January 1, 2023 dance embodying The Emperor archetype dance held by Ritual Movement 555 in Asheville, North Carolina.

(Some) Current Aries Placements and Their Aspects and Transits

Jupiter in early Aries

An important area in which the in which the Emperor/Aries archetype is coming through is through Jupiter, which resumed its transit of Aries on the Winter Solstice. We had a prequel to this energy from May 10 through October 28 of last year, retrograding at 8° Aries 43’ on July 28. Ever expansive Jupiter presents us with opportunities left and right, with the speediness that Aries can require it might be beneficial right now for us to have this retrograded Mars Gemini so we can be much clearer with how we can lead forward. Aries also, as previously mentioned, asks us to protect ourselves, so just know this is very much important at this time - some opportunities are great, some not so much! For more info in this particular area, there is a great class by the evolutionary astrologer can Steven Forrest that can be accessed through his website Jupiter It will enter Taurus on May 16, 2023, 1:20 PM, so our learnings from the Empress and the Hierophant will find new expression there.

The Ram, the animal associated with the glyph of Aries and the mythology of Aries in your movement. You notice this energy coming through organically, or have fun intentionally playing with this. Physiologically, each zodiac sign rules a part of the body, and as Aries rules the head I invite you to notice the energies you experience with and around your head in your movement practice.

Sun (in Capricorn) Square Chiron (in Aries)

Another Emperor energy being expressed strongly on this New Year’s Day is a square between the Capricorn Sun and Aries Chiron, exact on the 2nd at 11° Capricorn. Squares tend to be one of the most challenging ways a conversation between two planets can go, and with both Capricorn and Aries holding strong cardinal energies and inherently leading the way. In moments, our sense of collective responsibility and obligation may collide with our wounded sense of self that’s in need of healing. This can certainly be messy, however if we navigate these seemingly divergent parts consciously we can find ways to accommodate the necessity of both energies. With squares I imagine two forces coming into one another at a 90° and eventually forming a new direction taking equal components of both. With wounded Aries energy, however, the fight can be strong, and with out of whack Capricornian energies the desire to control others to stay on top can incredibly ugly. The energy of what is happening in China now - after years of going in and out of lockdown (Capricornian control and containment way out of whack) it has finally ended as a result of significant self-advocacy (Aries), however in the meantime the mess of another massive Covid outbreak from a number of factors associated with the duration of their isolation is creating a mess. And while right now it is a mess, it is a necessary mess for the Chinese people and their government to finally move through. This square ends on January 13.

Ultimately, all this slowing down and being with your options is in support of your drive forward. Perhaps on this day a part of you may wonder what the ultimate goal of what why you’re doing this, and just trust that this is the way to go for today.

(Some) Current Mars Aspects and Transits

As you’re likely aware, Mars is the planetary correspondence with Aries (Scorpio holds a secondary correspondence with Mars as well). Extrapolating from the metaphor above, Mars brings connotations associated with learning how to assert ourselves, focus on our own development, protect ourselves, and learn how to drive ourselves out into the world. As you can see, this can develop further into how we lead others, how we pursue our passions - including carnal, who or what we may need to defend or protect, and what kind of world we chose to be the architect of. This is the realm of the Emperor as we know this archetypal energy.

Mars in Gemini

Currently, Mars is traveling through the energetic portions of the of the sky associated with the the archetype of Gemini (the constellation itself is relatively close by). Our collective sense of drive is currently imbued with the flavor, the clothing, the archetypes associated with Gemini. We will explore Gemini more deeply once we reach its Major Arcana correspondence, The Lovers. For now, let’s stick with a few keywords: curiosity, communication, cognition, connectivity. Since October 31 Mars has been moving slowly in retrograde (appearing backward) motion from our view here on Earth. As you may know, retrograde time periods tend to correspond with time periods asking us to slow down, unexpected delays, actions to reconsider. The longer a planet remains near the same degrees of a sign or in aspect with another planet, the greater the impact is upon our collective and potentially upon a person’s natal chart.

To mirror the energy of this retrograding Gemini Mars, see how you might be able to slow your cognitive energies. Perhaps play with being two Rams (Gemini ruling multiplicities) or being a ram with someone else. Or see what comes up around even just joining with another person dancing, even if you didn’t do it (retrograding energy). Explore what might happen if you work with slowing your breath down, as Gemini rules the lungs. As you slow down, see what options (Gemini is associated with multiplicities) you have in front of you as we get ready to move forward - Mars stations direct on January 12 and then gradually picks up speed.

Mars (in Gemini) Sextile Chiron (in Aries)

One of the most standout features of this Mars retrograde, which began at 25 ° Gemini 37’ two months ago and will station direct on January 12 at 3:56 pm EST at 8° Gemini 08’ is a very long sextile to Chiron currently transiting our current friend Aries. Chiron is a planetoid, similar to Pluto but smaller, with an elliptical orbit that hangs out between Saturn and Uranus. In ancient Greek mythology, the wise centaur Chiron was rejected by his mother at birth. Fostered by the siblings Apollo and Artemis, he was taught healing arts, hunting, poetry, and music - creating beauty, nourishment, and healing with his hands to heal through his own wounds, and in turn taught these gifts to others.

With Chiron in a very long transit of Aries, we are collectively working with our wounds around our selfhood. And during this retrograde, Mars sextiles, or has an easy conversation with, Chiron from December 3 through March 3. A four month conversation between Mars and Chiron? What a great time to to get deeply curious about, and head down, the multiple avenues we have for self healing!

Sun (in Capricorn) Quincunx/Inconjunct Mars (in Gemini)

On New Years Day 2023, the Sun and Mars are nearly exactly quincunx to one another, at 149° apart in the heavens. Though not regarded as one of the strongest aspects in a chart, this quincunx the strongest that Mars makes, aside from the aforementioned aspect with Chiron, on this particular day. One of the ways to imagine the conversation between quincunx planets is “Oh, we’re having this conversation? I never even imagined we were going to go there”. Think about it - when we have those kinds of conversations in life there can be shock and surprise and perhaps a sense of crisis. And think about it a bit more - sometimes those lead to some creative and surprising directions. So while a very short conversation, not one to have lasting impacts, our collective Capricorn Sun is having a conversation potentially a bit like this with Gemini Mars today. Maybe that sounds a bit like:

Capricorn “What are you even doing ? Are you looking at the long haul?”

Gemini “The long haul? Well yes, I am, but right now I need to really need to explore my potions so I know what I am about to throw myself into. ”

Capricorn “Oh…huh…”

Gemini “Yeah, I’m not as much of a mess as it looks.”

Capricorn “I know I worry so much about perceptions…I just want you to be satisfied with what you accomplish in life. Life’s hard, you know?”

Imagine your own version of Capricorn Sun talking with Gemini Mars and see what you get. And just remember, this isn’t a lasting conversation, just for December 30 - January 1.

I Have to Mention Venus Conjunct Pluto on New Year’s Day!

Though not directly involving any Aries/Mars/Emperor energy, it would seem a shame not to mention another astrological feature this January 1. Just 40 minutes after we ring in the New Year where I live in the East Coast of the United States the once yearly (usually) conjunction of Venus and Pluto come exact at 27° Capricorn 40’. This may express itself as wanting to go as deep as possible within our sensory experiences and within our most committed of relationships. And, it may first mean letting go of baggage associated with societal pressures, expectations, and norms to step into more heartfelt depths. You may have been feeling pangs of this since December 24 and may continue to through January 7. This energy clears just in time for us to move The Hierophant, a Taurean/Venusian energy, on January 8.

Here is an invitation to experiment with staying in touch with these elements as you move through life in these days!

Explore the layover between the archetypes of The Emperor & Aries


The Hierophant & Taurus


The Emperor & Aries